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Life is like a box of chocolates,
and our chocolate grows wildflowers!

Finabar is the chocolate bar that gives back. A European style confectionary with a higher cocoa and cocoa butter percentage but with nostalgic flavors. By wrapping each bar in eye catching seed paper, we encourage eaters to experiment with growing their own wildflowers. It feels like a big one: to change the world for the better with chocolate, but that is our plan. We have made some very tasty chocolate. Whimsical flavors, fun flavors, flavors that you and your kids will love eating. Strawberries, pretzels, candy canes & coconut. Our chocolate is fun for people to enjoy- it is vegan, kosher, nut & gluten-free. And it’s fun for people to grow - we are fair trade and rainforest alliance accredited.

Finabar is an activistic brand determined to give back to our planet.

Fun and serious can go hand in hand. Chocolate is fun, and when it is done right, it supports farmers, encourages local industry, contains the right ingredients, and tastes like childhood dreams. But packaging is often done wrong. A fun snack can end up costing us, quite literally the earth.

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Finabar is on a mission to change this. To drive the industry to become zero waste by pushing plantable packaging that off sets the carbon load of production.

The majority of chocolate bars continue to be packaged in non-biodegradable packaging including certain plastics and foils alongside stickers and tray inserts. Paper packaging is a great step, but it fails to give back beyond being a better alternative to plastic. The chocolate industry has a huge carbon footprint. Consider the farming of the beans and their transportation alongside the dairy used in recipes.

Finabar goes a step further than the traditional recyclable packaging. Finabar comes wrapped in locally made seed paper, produced in an artisan workshop partly powered by solar/hydroelectric energy, where even 100% of the water needed to produce the paper is reused. The inks we use to color and print on the paper are derived from vegetables, soy and minerals. It is fully biodegradable and when planted it will sprout wildflowers. An average size tree produces enough oxygen in one year to keep a family of four breathing and if you ever needed an excuse to eat chocolate then consider that the average American carbon footprint is 20 tons of CO2 per year. You can offset your impact with 40 trees or as we say, 40 Finabars.

Our magic lies in our deliciously made chocolate recipes, and of course in our packaging, the part so often overlooked. After enjoying a bar, you can plant the packaging and help support wildlife, cleaner air and pollution reduction. Finabar is fun to eat and gives back.

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Finabar is Chocolate Doing Better.
You matter. You can make a difference.

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